Current size: .5-.75"
Unsexed slings
One of Shane's personal favorites. D. diamantinensis is a beautiful dwarf species that maxes out around 3.5" DLS. This species is native to Brazil, where they inhabit rocky outcroppings. Often referred to as a "Mini GBB" (C. cyaneopubecens) they have a similar color scheme as adults, though not really mistakable for each other if you're familiar with them at all. Care is similar for both species though, and both species will do a good deal of webbing, should be kept mostly arid (slightly moister for diamantinensis).
As with many dwarf species, these tend to be pretty flighty (and quick) as slings, so be prepared, and then once they get near adult hood, if you disturb one while it's in a bad mood, you are likely to get a threat pose, with venom dripping from each fang to show that they aren't gonna mess around. That said, most the time they are quick to retreat rather than throw up that threat pose, and if you do get the threat pose, simply close back up and try again later. usually they don't stay grumpy too terribly long.