Current size: 1-1.25
Unsexed slings
Monocentropus balfouri, often referred to as the Socotra Island blue leg baboon Tarantula is unquestionably one of the most unique species known to the tarantula hobby. they are an average/mid sized species with females maxing out at 5-6" DLS and males usually maturing in the 4-5" range. As slings, they are are a fairly uniform gunmetal grey coloration and as Juveniles they will begin to develop their adult coloration which is a light cream color for the prosoma, opisthosoma, and femurs. The legs from the patella down are a deep blue. An easily recognizable species with a beautiful appearance, but that is not even their most spectacular characteristic. M. balfouri are one of a very small number of tarantula species which can be successfully housed in groups instead of single. In fact, they are the species which is kept in groups most successfully of any species available.
Care for these is simple. The substrate should be kept primarily dry and sufficient substrate should be provided for burrowing. Additionally, they can be quite heavy webbing, especially with adequate anchor points and when kept in groups, so they can make quite impressive display terrariums over time.
Disposition is usually reclusive and skittish as slings and juveniles and they usually become more passive as they gain size. While not typically defensive/aggressive individual attitudes may vary and it is not uncommon for them to get a little more high strung when approaching a molt.
Fun fact: While the common name may imply that this is an African species (the "Baboon spiders") in actuality, it is technically Asian.