Current size: 0.75"
Unsexed Slings
Pterinochilus murinus, the dreaded OBT (Orange Baboon Tarantula aka Orange Bitey Thing) This species is well known in the hobby for it's intense orange coloration, as well as it's no nonsense attitude. While individual personalities may vary, the OBT is usually not afraid to stand it's ground with fangs barred if it feels disturbed and will readily strike if provocation continues. That said, they are a very hardy species that is generally very easy to keep. The primary difficulty exists when rehousing if the spider chooses to stand it's ground rather than be relocated (usually juvenile+ size specimen). They are an arid species and should be kept on dry substrate with adequate depth for burrowing. They are also prolific webbers, so we suggest providing several anchor points to help promote a cool web, and we also recommending a little extra vertical height to help prevent the webbing from getting too close or being attached to the lid of the enclosure.
This is a mid sized species with adults reaching around 5-6" maximum leg span and males typically maturing in the 4-5" range.